Valentines Day gift Bouquet
My Valentines gift bouquets do not contain any imported red roses or anything imported for that matter. Did you know the only red roses you can buy in the UK in February are imported from South America or Africa, usually sprayed with nasty chemicals and flown half way round the world before they arrive here in the UK for wholesale. No scent and already a week or so old before they reach the shops?
Although my own cutting garden is still dormant in February I have the first hellebores emerging and lots of lovely seasonal foliage, pussy willow and twiggy buds that I love to combine with British grown tulips from Lincolnshire and gorgeous ranunculus, highly scented hyacinths and narcissi from Cornwall to create truly seasonal all British grown sustainable gift bouquets.
Spread the love not just to your loved ones but also our lovely planet. Buy sustainable, seasonal and local for Valentines flowers that don't cost the earth...literally.